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A cool real-time strategical game invites witty players to compete! The project is devoted to an exciting world takeover. At first glance, the entertainment is rather simple. But you will soon understand that you will not progress far without an efficient strategy. Epic battles can be won not only with the help of power and force but in the way of timely and smart decisions. Are you ready to check whether you can create a strong strategy with winning tactics and conquer the whole world? This unusual war will fully immerse you in the engaging activity of territory capturing. Prove you are best strategist and can own all the lands!

How to play?

The rules of this entertainment are quite straightforward – you see a map on the screen that displays a whole world. And your aim is to conquer every single piece of land. It sounds easy enough, however, you will hardly succeed without a wise strategy. And you will have to develop it yourself! So, you see a world split into small areas. Some of them are colored and have numbers on them. The color means that this or that area belongs to one of your opponents. It works the same for you too – all your possessions will have a particular shade. And what is the number for? This mark shows how many troops protect this or that piece of land. This number continuously changes and needs to be replenished. It is essential to remember that you do not only need to capture new lands but also think about the protection of your possessions. You play against either live or computer-powered opponents that will have exactly the same goal. So your lands are always will be attacked without a stop.

Will you conquer it all?

The ultimate aim of each player is to capture the whole world, including every single piece of land. You will start with a tiny territory and need to act without delay, not leaving a chance to your enemies to capture your possessions. You need to attack other territories, gradually adding to your private kingdom. Here, you must skillfully manipulate with numbers that are stated on different areas. Make sure you distribute your powers wisely, using some troops to protect your current lands, and using some of them to attack new territories. Do not worry if your opponents seem to be stronger than you. Power does not mean that much as long as you have a workable strategy. Use your wits to beat any power and move forward. Are you ready to jump into this cool adventure right now?

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